Legal form and working method of the Swiss GAAP FER
The legal body of the Commission for Financial Reporting Standards is held by a foundation that was created in 1984. The Board of the Foundation appoints up to 30 members to the Commission. The appointment is made ad personam but under consideration of the environment and of the interests of the members concerned.
In the sense of a coalition or coordination of interests model, the physical composition of the Commission shall represent the different stakeholders (and also the language regions) in a manner that is as balanced as possible. Public agencies cooperate with the Commission through (non-voting) observers.
The current work, mainly the preparation of the wording or changes to recommendations, is performed by the president of the Commission and an Executive Committee of the Commission consisting of a maximum of six members (appointed out of the Commission) and by a technical secretary. The Commission selects topics for the preparation of recommendations.
The Executive Committee delegates the preparatory work to a subcommittee, which is normally headed by one of its members and in which other interested parties are represented.
Deloitte AG acts as auditor of the foundation.