Swiss GAAP FER 30
–Consolidated financial statements


Swiss GAAP FER 30 “Consolidated financial statements” contains all additional requirements for the consolidated financial statements. The scope of consolidation is defined and the treatment of subsidiaries, joint ventures and associated entities is regulated. In the case of an acquisition, previously unrecognised intangible assets relevant to the decision to acquire control must also be identified and recognised. Goodwill must generally be capitalised and amortised over its useful life. In the sense of an accounting policy choice, an offset of acquired goodwill with equity at the date of acquisition is allowed if the effects of a theoretical capitalisation on equity and profit or loss for the period are simultaneously presented in the notes. In addition, the topics of negative goodwill (badwill), step acquisitions or disposals, recycling of accumulated foreign exchange differences and purchase price components are covered. The disclosures include group-specific matters and the breakdown of net sales. If fully and proportionately consolidated entities are consolidated for the first time or deconsolidated, the resulting impact on net sales and the main components of the balance sheets must be disclosed.

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